It's funny how simple things can amplify an everyday art experience - like Halloween-shaped crayons instead of usual-shaped crayons. I've left these on an art table and then greeted a class of kindergarteners and, I'm telling you, the excitement is next level :)
In fact, the excitement is so next level that we often leave these out for trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. I know the trick-or-treaters want candy, but I have given out Halloween-themed crayons for the past 3 years and only a couple of (older!) kids were heard sighing on the front porch's security camera ;) I'd say that is a stellar, glowing review!
I love (Crayola!!!!) crayons for many reasons:
They never dry out.
They are low-mess.
They have fun names.
However, as all crayons inevitably do, they get too itty bitty to use comfortably and there's really nothing like a fresh pack to get back into the colouring spirit! We like to extend the lifetime of our crayon bits with silicone molds.

crayon pieces (we swear by Crayola brand!)
silicone molds (in this case, Halloween themed)
oven tray
oven ;)
Gather up your crayon pieces! We go through our "crayon" bin and find much success. You can also get some at thrift stores for a great bargain :)
Preheat your oven to 250 degrees (F). We prefer a lower setting but I know some friends use higher temperatures!
Soak your crayon pieces in warm water for a few minutes. This will allow the paper wrapping to easily slide off.
Place your silicone molds on a tray.
Break your crayons into smaller pieces (if required) and place them into each mold. Fill each mold to the top for sturdier crayons :)
Place your tray in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
Double check that all crayon pieces have melted and then remove tray from the oven.
Despite your excitement (!!!!), allow crayons to fully cool before trying to pop them out of the molds. They are fragile while warm!
If you wish to give these out on Halloween (like we did!), put each individual crayon in a tiny zippy bag to keep it in pristine condition for the trick-or-treaters!

If you're on the hunt for silicone molds, I have picked them up at dollar stores, thrift stores, and the odd grocery store! We have a winter and Valentine's Day collection as well :) SO. MUCH. FUN!!!!
Happy creating, Spooky Crew <3
Love, Linds