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Modelling Clay Olympic Rings

Being a die-hard Olympics viewer is tough work. Today alone, I had to juggle swimming finals with a soccer quarter final and a bronze medal tennis match....all happening at the exact same time! It's no joke cheering for every athlete, around the clock, for two and a half weeks ;)

If you are also struggling to manage all of the cheerleading (and you need an art activity for the kids!), this post is for you <3 You can pick up everything you need for this project at the dollar store and the kids will be engaged with all of the tiny treasures and schmooshing involved (while you ra-ra-ra with your pom-poms!)

  • flat canvas (cardboard also works!)

  • paint (optional - we wanted a gold background!)

  • modelling clay in Olympic Ring colours (this will come as a pack)

  • beads/gems in Olympic Ring colours

  • gold gem stickers (optional)

  • pencil

  • circular tracer (that represents the size you want your rings to be)

  1. If you wish, paint your canvas or cardboard and allow paint to dry.

  2. Use your circular tracer (and a pencil!) to create the 5 Olympic Rings. None of ours overlap, but perhaps you're more exact than we are ;)

  3. Warm up your modelling clay by rolling it in your hands. Cover each Olympic ring with the corresponding colour of modelling clay - using the pencil markings as a guide! They will turn out circle-ish, which is the goal :)

  4. Embellish each ring with like-coloured beads and gems. You'll know when you're done - it's a feeling ;)

  5. Add (entirely optional) gold gem stickers to your canvas. We love glitz, so more is always better in our house!

  6. Ta-da! Display your art during the Olympics!

Cheering for these Olympic athletes has brought me so much joy this week. I love watching them do the impossible, hearing their stories of perseverance, and watching their sportsmanship shine. We need more of this feel-good energy in the world <3

Happy creating, cheerleaders!

Love, Linds


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