These are the ultimate show-stopper! Simple, stunning, and great for little and big hands alike! They know how to add some "ah-ha!" to a shelf and they look pretty in a tall, glass vase, too.
pinecones (from nature or the craft store!)
scraps of yarn
I love when crafts are intuitive! I pre-cut various pieces of yarn (type, colour, thickness) and set them on the kitchen island alongside the pinecones. Although we did ours inside, I feel like they'd be the perfect addition to an outdoor hot chocolate party during winter! I can see it!
Artists will wrap the pieces of yarn around the pinecones, in and around the grooves, until they decide their art piece is complete! Exploring the use of the various strands will definitely elevate the experience :)

We hope you enjoying making some yarn-wrapped pinecones of your own!
Happy creating,
Lindsay XOXO