Building community is one of my favourite things and, when paired with art-making AND school, it's literally the bee knees of hobbies-I-adore. Yeah, I brought back a 20's reference JUST FOR YOU :)
It doesn't matter if you're building a classroom community, a division community, a staff community, or a full-on school community - this art project will highlight everyone's uniqueness as it contributes to the larger group. It's mascot centred and process-art-based! I'm telling you, it's both doable and AWESOME ONCE FINISHED!
Take a peek at our collaborative art, created by our wonderful staff community and featuring the mighty wolf (our mascot!).

Here's what you need:
pieces of cardstock (can also use the back side of recipe cards!)
print-outs of your school mascot (I printed a bunch of different wolves from a stock photos website and cut them out. Staff chose the wolf that "spoke to them!")
washi tape
collage bits
These are the instructions we gave to staff:

Gotta love some forced family fun ;) Mwaaa haaa haaa!
If your school (or workplace!) has a wolf mascot, let me know! I'm happy to share my document of wolves for you to print out for your community!
And if you want to see our staff in action, I have a reel on Instagram for you to watch! :)